Peptides in facial care products

Peptides are a relatively "young" but extremely promising cosmetic ingredient. After the discovery of this component, it was initially used only for medical purposes, and only a few decades later the beauty market became interested in it.

Korean cosmetics with peptides are increasingly appearing on the shelves along with facial care products in the homes of modern women. Peptides are actively used in face washes, masks, creams or hair care products. Today we will review the most useful facial care products containing peptides.

Peptides are the main helpers in the fight for skin youth and beauty. Peptides fight both the first and already clear signs of aging, and act preventively. Peptides are proteins made up of chains of amino acids. Generally speaking, peptides are the body's building material that participates in the regulation of physiological processes, for example peptides signal the skin to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

The synthesis of peptides in the body decreases with age and this process slows down from the age of 25-30, so cosmetics with peptides are used to stimulate skin processes.

This active ingredient has the unique ability to quickly and easily penetrate the stratum corneum of the dermis. In addition, peptides are responsible for cell regeneration and renewal, promote skin elasticity, soothe the skin, even out skin tone and lighten pigmented spots.

There is no exact number when it is worth starting to use facial care products with peptides, first of all you need to pay attention to the condition of the facial skin. If you notice the first wrinkles and a decrease in elasticity, this indicates that it is time to start using products with peptides. Most often, cosmetics with peptides are used after reaching the age of 30 or 35.